Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Todays going to be a slow day, I just know it...its like a feeling you get when you first roll out of bed, forget you finally have a bed frame and fall down off of the bed. :) But I don't feel so clutzy, Donald did it too. Today we are having people over for dinner today, I am pretty excited. Never done one of these get togethers to be honest. This being our first place and all.
The cool thing about this place is that three people live in the building, you can walk to the store and to work...The not so cool thing is that I don't think there is insulation in between the walls. Mainly because you can hear the people above you talking at a normal voice or the T.V. on. But aside from that and the uneven tile floor, best to wear shoes or socks lol. Its pretty nice, were just off of a major street and you can hear the gunshots sometimes, but not be close enough to actually get hit by one (or a few) of them. :P
So I have a job interview tomorrow for Star-bucks. (No I'm not in school, Thats what is TRYING to be done, its not going so well.) Maybe I can convince them to pay me 11 or 12 to start because of my experience, I don't know it couldn't hurt to ask. Right?
People here are all white collar and black pants...where as I am jeans and tight t-shirts, relaxed, but ready to work hard. I don't understand the reason behind judging how some ones dressed, on how they will do in their work environment. I understand that if you do not fit you just...don't. It's how it is...But I can probably work windows better then some employees that they've already hired. I don't have the office experience, I tried to go to the placement agency, and they told me that they couldn't take me. My math mark was too low. But when are you going to use math like the square root of 135 at reception? If you need to know it you'll have a calculator, the tests were stupid, using MS word with no who does that once they know the shortcuts? it takes four times as long....same with MS excel. Though I was reffered there by a friend of mine, when I told the girl at front desk that I didn't have any previous office experience she cringed but still kept that never wavering fake plastered on by chuckey smile...That whole place is like something out of a nightmare. If later on I decide I want to try to get an office job again I'll go to another placement agency, not Friday Professional, thats for sure. I think I'll take my 27 rejection letters over going back in there. :) I forgot to mention, they were a last kinda ditch effort after the rejection pile reached 22. But I learned something valuable here, people don't want you if you don't have any work behind it, and trying to get it is almost next to impossible.So I'm not going to be looking for a receptionist job for a little while, I'll just work at BP and hopefully Star-Bucks. Who knows? Office work isn't for everyone, and maybe this is a sign saying "DO NOT ENTER BAKA-MON!" lol *baka-mon means idiot or stupid person.* Who knows? Anyways, I gotta get this place cleaner and better organized, this is my last day off before night shift again.
Thanks for reading

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